180 Global


It’s easy for clients and brands to feel stuck in the world as it is – budgets, technology, macro issues, category challenges. Our job is to help you become unstuck. And we do it through the 180 Shift.

The 180 Shift is a fresh perspective. A new lens through which to view the world. The 180 Shift provides a new direction.

A clear and decisive action.

It makes things happen and changes the course of where a brand is today, to realising what it could be on its best day. And it’s been propelling our clients forward for over 25 years.


That’s the power of the 180 Shift.

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Radical Collaboration

We believe that openness, generosity and teamship - plus the right tools - will take us all further. Our ability to put ego to one side, and make the work the hero sets us apart. Great creativity doesn’t mean you have to be an asshole.

Fierce Empathy

We believe that we must be prepared to go deeper and understand the needs of our audiences, clients and culture more profoundly.

Creative Commitment

We believe that great creativity requires commitment. From everyone. As a team, you can’t pull back from the passion. You gotta turn it on full force.

Sustainability and DEI

180 is committed to sustainable and inclusive policies and we’re proud to support and partner with the following organisations:

Change the brief alliance, young dogs, jonge honden, refugee talent hub, ecovadis, OSCAM